Monday, October 21, 2013

Quite Upset...

it's quite upset after the trial for 2 months plus since we took over the childcare business, yes me and my cousin brother.... sometimes i am not so happy about the way he handle the business...

like many things that i really am not satisfied but what to do. he is the big investor and i am only the small potato that he just could offered for all... anyway this doesn't benefit me though because whatever he talked all just empty promises and never kept promises at times.

he mentioned many times that he would eventually leaves this centre for me to control here but it seemed never happening. he still comes back here and the centre is still messy under his control. when i was here, the centre is still in control by setting the rules and etc so that the kids could be independently working on him / her own without guides. but when he is here, he will does everything. it seems he has to spoil them in silent mode.

and one thing i am quite disappointing is the parents all are referring him as the big boss as well as the principal here NOT ME. it's really a joke that he behaves like that. never had a formal introduction for me with the new teachers and the parents as well.

i don't know what was he thinking actually. all my plans that i have been planning for some times seems to be taken over by him and all is him... so sad huh?

no wonder when i paid a praying for my late mummy, i did ask my late mummy about it and the coins were not giving the response, kept giving the same patterns :(

i thought my late mummy was not blessing on this business between me and my cousin brother. i think it will be involved a lot of troubles later on as his personal attitudes really not so impressing!!!! even the centre also has problems that he might not settled although he can't expect it too much from the teachers.

one thing, i already advised him many times yet he ignores all the times, it depends the situation like when i told him that the adults should be set good roles for the children and he never did it... so does the China teacher...

i see the China teacher is slight stubborn and sometimes she doesn't respect me as the principal. oh well, we have the minute meetings almost every twice per month yet there's always having the problem. there are two languages in the meeting which is unfair for the major of teachers who are speaking English whilst the only one teacher speaks Mandarin all the time. my cousin brother even asked us to learn Chinese in order to communicate better with her. it's hilarious that we are running the time and we can't keep translating for her all the time.... this also he can't understand instead of making the situation worse.

i know he is the big investor but sometimes he never refers to me when i am his business partner indeed. why?

i find this is really ridiculous.

i am regretting that much because i told him about my plans. otherwise, this plan would be mine and i would be the BOSS whereas i am now today but it is reserved though! so sad huh???

i am never be a big boss for now.... perhaps but in the future i shall be a BOSS. perhaps i am a better leader than him.

i can say he can't be a good leader though as i knew how he handles the kids. i had told him what can do what can't do... yet he never listens to me.

okay, i got no comments about it. i am pretty disappointed about it....

duno what will happening for the next....


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