Thursday, January 24, 2013


this is a overdue blog, around 1-2 weeks ago...

i saw him deleted everything including the happy memories such the photos in the FB then there was... he removed his FB officially for that night after been using the FB for 3 years plus since 2009... i don't know what had happened to him and he refused to answer!

he just said he felt boring to play FB already.

i found this is a ridiculous answer!

oh well, i don't insist him to telling about these and i totally gave up for this.


i am tired of his attitude!

very stubborn and childish!

he always puts all faults on me... he said i always shoot him and saying everything he does is wrong and i don't believe him instead of believing another people rather than my own husband.

but sometimes he did wrong, he never admitted it!

so no point to argue with him on these issues and rises these issues unreasonably. he never improves the communication instead of creating more troubles... our children don't really fond on him and keep going to my side as they admire me more than their daddy.

frankly speaking, does he do the duty as a father?

my daughter asked me yesterday when we were at Sunway Pyramid, when our son bullied to our daughter by kicking her. guess what did he do to our son?

he never taught and explained what was wrong about it instead of kicked him back. all of us shocked! but our children kept quiet after he kicked him. i felt quite miserable about this. i wondered did his father teach such this way? no wonder he copied the style from his father....

i heard his father used to beat him... i don't know how he taught my husband. sometimes i really am disgusting with the ways how he (yeah my hubs's father) used to teach his children??? i don't see the correct method how my hubs taught my children...

he always blames me for pampering them but i am not pampering them though. i just balanced the actions so that my children would not feel suffering. i want they feel happier when they are with me!
they do the mistakes, i teach them but NOT beat or what like how my hubs used to do...

that is a very wrong method!

we can see he has no patience!!! no patience in guiding his children...

in fact, he never liked the children /  babies when we were dating that time... but when we had our first child, he didn't really put more loves on our first child... during those time we had our first child, we argued and fought more often and unlike a real happy family though...

he has very bad and hot tempers, very easy to get angry and will break everything whatever he throws when he was in the anger mode... that was very disgusting!

nobody knows how were the living my first child and I have gone thru all those years before moved to KL....


unpredictable eh?

anyway, my strength is getting on all because of my children till today where you can see ME now...

suffering, surviving, living in a lot of great pains... but i still live on...


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