Wednesday, February 6, 2013

my first Hello Kitty Debit card :)

another day i went to HLB to take out a few cash to pay my car installment, i saw Hello Kitty bunting. hence, i asked the person in charge about it. she spoke that it's for the adult saving account. need to open at least RM300 for first time. i told her that i shall apply next time.

Hello Kitty! 

* source *


browsing the HLB online and looking at this website... impressing eh?

today i really went there just to apply this Hello Kitty debit card! * thanks to my colleague, Mr Chan for accompanying me :) *

in fact, i got the MBB cheque which was given by my brother last week but i delayed until now. i never expected my brother to whatsapp me and asking me why i still not bank in the cheque... =_="

i shocked like can't believe. i wondered how did he know i haven't bank in the cheque yet? scary huh??? hehe... i told him that i shall going to bank in very soon means i wanted to open new account as well as getting the Debit Card... but i didn't tell him that i am going to open new account. i wondered whether does this Debit Card help? but actually i applied this is just for fun. because of Hello Kitty. no any purpose though. oh well, i got this!

nice eh? :)

i knew i have soo many accounts but none of them are loaded with money! some of them are... specially for salaried and savings only.

i shall replace my current Coach wallet to a new big wallet since my wallet is so small and no space for putting the cards. sighs... 


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