Thursday, January 31, 2013

the end of the January...

today is 31st of January, an end of this month yet i have unloaded jobs to complete before tomorrow...
tomorrow is a public holiday but not for me... for Kuala Lumpur state only! bleh... *

Happy Federal Territory Day for those people who are working in Wilayah Persekutuan!!!

oh well, the month passes by so fast, a week to go... for CNY celebration already! can't believe the time flies faster.... anyway, i admit i am not soo shiok about CNY because i have to go back his hometown! bleh.... never mind, once or twice in a blue moon will do.

this year, i am targeting to get a house of very own! so does my hubs! i hope everything sails smoothly on our sides here... i don't wish any problems / troubles come to us! God bless everything!

i also hope my family get well, healthier, happier and wiser ahead... especially for my dear children as well as my love nephew Julian :) i love them very much indeed... hehe...

okay, i shall plan more to reschedule my family life to get better since we would get a house very soon, we might face the unexpected things that we don't wish later on... and i also try to improve the relationship with the hubs although there's difficulty in communication between me and him...

think how to make more money?

just learned that the hubs's salary has just increased 2% only!!! O_o


i am wondering whether do i???

still waiting....


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