Wednesday, March 12, 2014

how many blogs do i have actually? - - -

hmm... i doubt actually because i have many blogs of mine but i can not remember any of them in my list because after one by one, i don't really bother any of them and sticks to one till today. oh well, i still remain the restricted blogs specially for my family story only. the rest, perhaps some of them i had deleted some of them i had neglected...?!

who knows?

anyway i still love blogging ❤️

nah... i think i should have deleted some blogs of mine. perhaps?! let me double-check later - - -  LOL


oh dear - - - it has been less than a year plus i don't blog here... how times flied by fast!

Monday, October 21, 2013

i am so tired...

i am so tired with this way!!!

i don't mind being survive but not that way he treats me... its like he pretends all the times and i am not his business partner? it seems being solely business on him....


i am not happy.

yay... i don't know what to do...

either voice out or just keep quiet...

Quite Upset...

it's quite upset after the trial for 2 months plus since we took over the childcare business, yes me and my cousin brother.... sometimes i am not so happy about the way he handle the business...

like many things that i really am not satisfied but what to do. he is the big investor and i am only the small potato that he just could offered for all... anyway this doesn't benefit me though because whatever he talked all just empty promises and never kept promises at times.

he mentioned many times that he would eventually leaves this centre for me to control here but it seemed never happening. he still comes back here and the centre is still messy under his control. when i was here, the centre is still in control by setting the rules and etc so that the kids could be independently working on him / her own without guides. but when he is here, he will does everything. it seems he has to spoil them in silent mode.

and one thing i am quite disappointing is the parents all are referring him as the big boss as well as the principal here NOT ME. it's really a joke that he behaves like that. never had a formal introduction for me with the new teachers and the parents as well.

i don't know what was he thinking actually. all my plans that i have been planning for some times seems to be taken over by him and all is him... so sad huh?

no wonder when i paid a praying for my late mummy, i did ask my late mummy about it and the coins were not giving the response, kept giving the same patterns :(

i thought my late mummy was not blessing on this business between me and my cousin brother. i think it will be involved a lot of troubles later on as his personal attitudes really not so impressing!!!! even the centre also has problems that he might not settled although he can't expect it too much from the teachers.

one thing, i already advised him many times yet he ignores all the times, it depends the situation like when i told him that the adults should be set good roles for the children and he never did it... so does the China teacher...

i see the China teacher is slight stubborn and sometimes she doesn't respect me as the principal. oh well, we have the minute meetings almost every twice per month yet there's always having the problem. there are two languages in the meeting which is unfair for the major of teachers who are speaking English whilst the only one teacher speaks Mandarin all the time. my cousin brother even asked us to learn Chinese in order to communicate better with her. it's hilarious that we are running the time and we can't keep translating for her all the time.... this also he can't understand instead of making the situation worse.

i know he is the big investor but sometimes he never refers to me when i am his business partner indeed. why?

i find this is really ridiculous.

i am regretting that much because i told him about my plans. otherwise, this plan would be mine and i would be the BOSS whereas i am now today but it is reserved though! so sad huh???

i am never be a big boss for now.... perhaps but in the future i shall be a BOSS. perhaps i am a better leader than him.

i can say he can't be a good leader though as i knew how he handles the kids. i had told him what can do what can't do... yet he never listens to me.

okay, i got no comments about it. i am pretty disappointed about it....

duno what will happening for the next....


Thursday, August 1, 2013

what a tsunami day!!!

Now i realize how terrible he is now, treats me like a stranger when in the new house and when in office, he will be nicer with me because he needs my helps to amend his grammars. How bad eh...

And i am quite disappointed by ways he treats me. Its not like which he should cares me in as his wife but nobody!!!

When i asked him to help taking the stool for me. He didn't take for me but asked me to take it myself but he was next to the stool why not help??

so selfish!!!! Btw, yesterday was my last day of working at company and i have submitted the absence from work letter for one month after spoke with Madam. I thought i can take at least 60  days leave but Madam seemed disagree because we had spoken that i was given 30 days to work at centre. Either resuming back to office after one month or just resign when there's getting better in centre but i can not guarantee it though. I was slightly worried about it...

Anyway, its my new challenge in my life after been in the comfort zone... i need to move on what i supposed to change the life style. At least trying rather than nothing at all and i don't want to be like my hubby! He has no motivation at all, slightly coward though and always objects whatever i do but i just ignore what he talks sometimes not logical at all.

Our thinkings are different. I am kinda of ambitious and would like to try n error whilst my hubby is just fine with this situation now. How crashed eh???

Plus, his attitude and thinking are very childish and immature! All the times he can drives me bonker and mad but my patiences had taught me to control my patiences when dealing with a stupid and immature guy like him!!!

Oh well... selfish, stupid and immature old fella... until when you can realise?????



Friday, July 26, 2013


i am really blessed to have Madam as my boss... never expected that she is really an understanding boss. all the while i thought she is fierce and very sided one... but oh boy, was i wrong. she is really kind-hearted...

indeed, i supposed to pass the resign letter for her but it was reversed. after had a long chat, she asked me to keep back the letter and submit the leave letter instead. how happy i was when she mentioned it. i am touched and obviously blessed that i really have a such good boss.

it will be officially i start on leave for one month by next month to study centre's management which she allowed me to do so. at very least my existing job is here in case if anything happens, i still can go back to my current company to resume working as usual.

anyhow, i just hope the business is growing well once i take over. may everything is fine...


delay no more...

it seems delaying no more and my good colleague, WC asked me...

"have you told your hubby"

i replied, "NO, if i tell him now, there would be more objections, hence i just go ahead without his permissions..."

the time is tougher now and i knew the day would be coming... 

today is public holiday yet we have to work. oh no, i can't delay anymore, i need to make up my mind by hand over the letter. the centre is awaiting me to join as soon as possible.

everything for the centre has done, just left me!!! a matter of timing!!!

looking at my close friends, they are really supporting my decision to join the centre, it is obviously no doubt for me to tender the resignation letter and starts a new life as a person in charge of the centre. yes i am... despite of my unhappy hubby who never agrees on whatever i have done, he can't stop me although he voiced out that i am selfish, never think about him, never discuss with him and etc but i can't take it anymore, if i want i must do for our better life.

otherwise, if i listen to my hubby today and don't go for it, i might be super regret 100% later on. okay, no matter what will happen later, i still determined to go for it...

i just pray HE blesses me in everything, have a surprise and miracle which would happen to me any sooner if the time permits. 

i hope my family changes the mind on me... i am no longer who am i... i am the one who going to fight the own happiness and better life rather than remaining the same living where we are now... 

i wanna the improvement of livings for my family as well as for my children.

because of i am able not providing whatever they want, now i wan provide them as much as i can once i have own one and i wanna give the best for my family and my siblings who always help me a lot in past, i will never forget their helps and supports. i will be there for them whenever they need. 

okay what i need to do is i wanna to change the life into better one...


please give me the strength to change the life.... :)


Madam came already but she went to R&D... :(

she seems busier than me though and i am wondering how would it be when i go to meet Madam out of sudden? perhaps she knew i wanna leaving already?
