Tuesday, February 5, 2013

consults with lawyer

supposed to meet the agent at 12pm. but we have waited so long even during lunch time, the agent still didn't call back... kns~

then agent called back and ask to meet at 1.30pm later... =_="

after half hour, my hubs still didn't call me... wah i gonna crazy even sent message also never replied. hence, i went there alone and saw them with the lawyer... blaa blaa...

they talked about putting one or two names in this property because the lawyer spoke if we put two names and next time we want to buy house also don't have 50% for this duty stamping. i thought if i let my hubs put his name on this property? i sent whatsapp message to my brother. guess what? because of he is helping us, he suggests to put two names so that is easier the procedures go smoothly as well as take out the EPF out. maybe twos contribute more than one? right.

frankly speaking, my brother is caring and thought for me. he wants everything must including my name. if not because me, my brother would not help my hubs... that's for sure. but for my sake, my brother is willing to help us no matter how.... because he wants us to live on own NOT to rent forever... looks at our age, still want to rent? of course my family is unhappy because my hubs is kinda not working very harder although he is working harder BUT not so... i mean as a guy should work more than what he has now... to know he has a family to contribute more...


oh well... my fate to have a husband like him... don't know whether is good or not???

never mind... at least we have own house... the rest becomes the history... at least my brother will watch over us...

God bless...


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