Saturday, February 2, 2013

nothing is perfect

frankly speaking, i have complained soooo much about my hubs... even complained with some of close members eg. my close friends that always share about the hubs, my bro and his gf as well as my daddy.

then i realize why should i complain about my hubs every time we are into arguments?

every couples are imperfect but if we work harder to mend our relationships, ain't it should better than i expected? although he is stubborn and childish but this also needs to see the matter! oh well, it's balanced between two persons if one is childish and one is rational... would be greater if it is combined unless both are childish then FINISH lor...

okay, i try my best to amend the mistakes and having a good communication with him. hopefully this works! yeah we are cooperating to look for the house right now... we may into more discussions about the house...

i admit i also did the mistakes, so does he... as i say, nothing is perfect. although i have complained soooo much and he doesn't. that doesn't mean he is correct at all. he just keeps in his heart. don't want to raise the issue as he doesn't really into this relationship issue... bleh.

he needs to understand that the world is different already now...

nowadays the divorce issue is common already, hence we should work harder to meet our demands to make our relationships as well as our family to be perfect bit more will do because we have been gone ups and downs so long... more than 10 years, it's sad if 10 years marriage gone because of a small matter.... right?

moreover, he tried his best to be a good husband and daddy to a pair of children. he tried his best to provide everything for this family, this is also questioned the limited he provided, he can't contribute at all because of his limited salary. as i knew the men salary should be higher than women but my hubs is at vice-versa... sadly, i speak he is carefully about spending the money but the most is his own things, not to contribute for our children's policy and the things that i purchase without his permission. sighs.

seem i need to work harder now... to make more money to have a better living for my family. the world is complicated. especially Malaysia, in the big city, every properties darn expensive more than what we expected... not easy to get a property. not worth indeed... somemore Malaysian needs to go thru many things such like tax, expenses, entertainments and etc... not easier!

oh well... how to get a peace and happy living if everything becomes complicated? i wonder why those people could pay more than i do...

frankly speaking, i never been to overseas for a long time... the last destination i had been was Medan, Indonesia by plane with my family... that was when i was at age 15... long time de...

and my hubs was just lucky.  he got to go overseas, this also provided by his company. but for family trip, we are able not to make it... everything is also money! everyday also needs money!

so stressed eh? more to my kids's educations, even worse... we got no saving for them... (face palm)

oh well... just our luck! maybe we thought we are worse but when double thinking, another people are worse than us... we thankful for this and feel just blessed though. anyway, everything needs hard works!

i don't believe we are at end of road, there's still a long journey to go... here it go ways....

just a luck eh? :)

okay... words!


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