Tuesday, February 5, 2013


yesterday i was reading with my son... and i didn't know how to pronounce the words, asking the daddy to read for him. when our son was not replying or reading, the daddy whacked him badly until he got the beaten marks at his hand and leg... how heartache i was when i saw the daddy whacked him!

frankly speaking, this daddy barely spends with the children and he has no patience to teach the children. something's wrong, he sure whacks them. without double-thinking that he actually seldom checks or studies with them. all the time, he spends on the pc, smart phone and watching entertainments.

instantly this can't blames the children because the daddy hardly to know what's up to them in school etc. all things i care yet the daddy blames me for not spending with them. hello... this is about the parenting, the parent role must be cooperation and teaching the correct ways to them NOT in a day if they can't learn a single word, gonna to whack like that? that's sooo unacceptable!

i told my son's principal as well as my daddy this morning regarding our son's beaten marks... they shocked and felt heartache for him! so do i too. i never beat my children using the rotan! only if needs to... but normally i don't beat them! that's why? the daddy said i spoilt them too much. but frankly speaking, our children are not worse and naughtier. just that the daddy seldom spends time with them, barely reading with them!!!! this can't blames the children for being like this. all learns from the parent!

oh well, i try my best but the daddy is not. although he is a father of two yet his attitudes are strongly unacceptable! because the parenting ways he gave is totally wrong. up to him if he doesn't believe and pushes all faults to me but i know what i have done. at least my children are sticking to me more than the daddy!

whatever i said, this doesn't help at all because it's difficult to change his patterns of educating the children. i think he follows his father's style whom used to beat and whack when my hubs was small. that's why there's not good about my hubs's family. none knows whats the harmony, good parenting ways and etc... at times, my hubs always blames me for spoilt our children and this caused my children don't listen to me! i admit i am not very fierce but i can reason and teach them ways to learn together. i am kinda of person don't beat or whack unless there's a reason. my hubs beats and whacks no matter if our children don't listen or what... this is really sad and our children don't really close to him. they are closer to me more than the daddy all the times... this is obviously understood..

anyway, i fed up with the way he educates our children. i just hope there's no more beat and whack!


i felt heartache when see my son has whacked terribly. and actually i was mad with him because he refused to read. but when time to sleep. he was still standing there and the daddy went sleeping at living room without talking with him whilst i went to bed... sleeping and looking at him. he still stood there and kept quiet... like very innocent... i felt sooo heartache. i asked him where to sleep...? he still stood there without saying anything.

hence, i called him and hugging him tightly... talked to him... then sleeping with me! i know he loves me more than the daddy that's why he loves to kiss me more than the daddy :)

my boy! mummy loves u... don't worry, you are not alone, you still have me, jie jie, maternal grandparent, jiu jiu and yi yi to love u :)


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