Friday, February 1, 2013

1st February!

Morning... here we are... Happy 1st Feb... but... oh well... nothing's special! hehe... just learned that the salary as well as the bonus are already banked in last night and i am yet checking my account... hmm...

don't know whether is this a good news? bleh...

because in my mind, i am sure to go spending more than expected because as i said, this year we target to get a very own house!

oh well...

CNY is on the air now...

i don't feel neither happy or excited... kinda dull for me! just ignore... no reason why i felt so?

yesterday  i was browsing the profile page of this Mr Innocent, i realized he really dotes on his family very much as well as he dotes on his two sisters just like me... (chuckle)

but... suddenly i recalled 2 years ago where we had previous conversations, this Mr Innocent was jokingly saying that he is a gay because of he lived with two girls... influenced too much by feminine things... O_o

i still remember everything we had previous conversations but not so vividly though because after we disconnected, i just threw him away from my mind... because he started first and never replied my SMS etc... very annoying! oh well that was past...

anyway i notice the memories are always the sweetest... could tickle my feeling sometimes when i miss Mr Innocent... oh well... why should i miss him when he doesn't miss me eh? wahh... so silly lar me!


ignore these...

today is TGIF... later i shall go for a facial...



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