Tuesday, February 19, 2013

i am back...

after been away for a week CNY holidays, today i am back to work. feel so lazy and day-dreaming throughout the day... hehe...

feel awkward about my working station. i still prefer to sleep at this hour... lolx.

CNY is less and more to be fun around but sometimes i prefer my past generation which is much more fun than now and i don't feel any lively occasion throughout CNY times.

i miss those old days - played the fireworks, climbing, travelling all alone in around kampung (back in my dad hometown), played the children games, makan-makan... and etc :)

look at this present generation, all children glue to the gadgets eg. smart phones, ipads, iphones, wii, psp and etc which we had not having these gadgets back those times. how lucky for those children this generation but sadly it's boring though!

should practice it to be more lively and happier with traditional games. sighs...

what a generation!


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