Monday, February 4, 2013

unpleasant request!

yesterday i woke up at 8am but i slept back again until 10am something because my kid wanted me to wake up! To help him... =_="

okay, as usually i would check my phone and see any incoming messages? Surprisingly, my second sister-in-law sent whatsapp message to me. Called in sweet tone some more. This was unusual ways that i didn't expect that she must has something to request. Hence, i just said hi...?

then she spoke that she hoped i could cook some dishes this saturday as she would be back on saturday evening. I was unpleasant but couldn't reject her offer because this was kinda cruel for me to object and refused to cook for her since she thought she had contributed so much for us eh? In fact, not all she contributed for us. This also depended the love she dotes on all going to her own sister's children NOT my children. So why should i be nicer with her?

and not only this. She treats me nicely because of i am her brother's wife. So whatever she must be her own brother side if anything happens. Like those previous cases, where my hubs n i had terrible arguments until almost divorced. This also she said she can't listen to my side one. Must listen to both sides but she never asked my hubs about what had happened. All were gone in silence only.

Not only this second sister-in-law, another sisters-in-law are included.

Saying they miss me, all words are just words. Never see they are truly loving me and my children. but i don't mind how they treat us. I don't care. I never want to know about them much details unless some reasons only eg. the second sister-in-law had an operation recently as well as the father-in-law had his body check-up and found something's wrong but for this moment, he should be fine by now and on medicine.

Oh well, never mind, i just obey her request but for this time. Perhaps. I don't want to do for them again. Unpleasant request though and i seldom cook for my family what.

Every time going back to my hubs hometown, i could just being pretend all the time. No ways to be true one. Sighs! I am so sick of this.

Anyway, kinda okay that i don't live with them. Otherwise, i sure bang to wall everyday!


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