Saturday, February 2, 2013

What A Saturday!!!!!!!

:: someone is promoted... ::

the big boss announced earlier that Abang Raub has promoted to be supervisor... how nice leh, everyone is celebrating for him and even presenting a cake for him... (clap hand)

for me, i have been working so long but had never experienced about promoted... oh well, just ignore, but this needs to work very harder to achieve the dream!

:: Saturday words ::

now i need to plan already and i can't work for people forever like that. as i had spoken in previous entry, we are currently looking for a house... so many houses we have been visited and we have no interest for those houses because of the further place and travel to two places (my current place, as well as my dad's house and my kids school are based here!) so we don't think that is a good idea to live a further place that we had looked for in Balakong... ain't this further from our current place now?

oh well, my dad is upset! he advised us to look around here at very least to lighten our burdens eg. my dad will be here for me whenever i need his helps, my kids school are based here, my hubs and mine working place is based here too and the environments give us the best already here. nearby shopping mall, hypermarkets, shopping areas and etc. plus, it's an ideal place for us but the price is a matter!!!
nowadays this area is really expensive more than those further areas such like puchong south, balakong, serdang etc although these places are selling the reasonable price but too further!

we still choose this place, maybe our current place but different block? maybe? need to see whether this is available? as well as those apartments around here, just try our luck to get a better place with a reasonable price that is worth for our limited budgets.

luckily i had reminded my hubs that we can't rush to look for a house. too rush will cause everything is messy... in fact, i was lucky to stop him from buying that top floor unit next to my block because not about the basic unit, but the condition of unit which is not a really good, like the ceiling seems crack, the door seems broken before, the place is not so clean and super dirty like this place had abandoned for a long time, these make me double-thought to purchase or not.

oh well, just my luck! my hubs changed his mind and stop blaming me. in fact, we have a plenty of time to look for the house for now IF he starts this month and onward non-stop until we find an ideal house then we just purchase once we feel the house is perfectly provided everything such like the environment and the place is occupied by the tenant currently so that we would be feeling safe to know this place has lived before and at least after we take over, we just need to adjust the place that's all.. better than a house which has not lived for a long time, everything is messy, here and there something's wrong... sounds like "ghost house".... scary eh?

i know if the abandoned house for long time, we still can clean and renovate if we want but i find this is not a good idea though because the hubs had spoken, if we purchase this unit, we just clean and the renovation will be done later because this is over budget... and this is not a short term! we would live this unit for long term.... and we need to provide a better environment for our children right? that's why? i need to double thinking about this and try to persuade the hubs. because sometimes the wife's intuition may be accurate, but needs to look what's the matter first. like the hubs's budget is limited, i try to adjust the line so that we will be afford as well. not to trouble even more.

oh yeah... today is Saturday! what to do later eh?

look forward to meet my lil nephew sooner! as well as my darling kids ;)

Happy Saturday yay!!


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