Tuesday, January 8, 2013

a blissful Tuesday :)

just had a blissful lunch with my lovely colleagues... they are not a couple but good friends of mine. just grateful with this way! life is good ♥ we supposed to have the Japanese lunch but i didn't intend to the same place as we used to have there for previous celebrations... it seems slightly boring to me! indeed... haha... hence, i chosen another one but it's not available, i mean it's not opened yet!

no idea what to eat... walked and happened to see another colleagues and they asked me go to try that new restaurant since they are going there as well. no doubts, we went there and had it...

the restaurant is similar to the opposite restaurant called "Mizi Shabu Shabu" but they are providing the free chinese tea as well as refills, 3 types of soups and more food to select... the price is almost same with that Mizi Shabu Shabu... the food is okay. but i notice very few people visit this restaurant. am not sure about this though...

okay share the pix...

and taa daa....

this is my lunch set...

i chosen the herbal soup! it looks yummy plus i love the herbal food... indeed... haha... my another colleagues took the same set... but i didn't capture earlier because i was busy with my lunch! 

oh well, so far so good... :)

the lunch is on them as they are celebrating my belated birthday... hehe... 

life is blessed! 


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