Tuesday, January 15, 2013

kuey teow goreng

i was late to office earlier due went home to make the water bill in our apartment. learned that today would be NO WATER SUPPLY at late evening until next day... hence, we went home to get ready all water to use later.

this was my late lunch but the hubs had mistaken to order this yellow noodle plus kuey teow which i damn hate... 

hello, i hate the yellow noodle larr.... why still want to order this yellow noodle???

but then he ordered already, can't changed and we also rushed time... hence i just took and ate with closed eyes although i dislike the yellow noodle... sighssssss....

how many times i told you that i don't like the yellow noodle!!!!!????


anyway, the smell of kuey teow really made me drooling!!! hehe... in fact, the hubs wanted to order chicken rice but i had it yesterday and i didn't intend to have the same portion again.... ewwww....

i determined to get kuey teow goreng despite of there were many people ordered... i was patiently ordering and waiting all together, just a bit more will do... :)


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