Friday, January 4, 2013

raining cats and dogs

it's raining cats and dogs right now... was thinking what to prepare the dinner later? either to get cooking or just going out to have dinner but i am kinda lazy plus the heavy rain at outside.

the time shows 6.30pm now and i get nothing now unless baking ingredients... haha. oh yeah i owed someone for my homemade baking but i didn't make it at last and he left. never mind lar, i think there's a plenty of chances in the future and i will never stop baking :)

will keep it up and polish more on my baking skills... hehe

my son is watching the Mickey Mouse cartoon right now, he never gets bored with Mickey Mouse! haha... that's his favorite when he was a baby!

yeah he chosen that himself but sooner his tastes has changed into more car craze fan and more toys which are more into boys's... rather than girlish things BUT there was once he played the Barbie dolls... OMG!!!! O_o

and even colored on his nails! haha... he was humiliated once when he was attending to Tae Kwan Do class in his kindergarten, can't imagined how he responded when his classmates laughed at him for the colorful nails! he kept sitting and didn't want to learn the class until ended... that is caused i called it quit... didn't intend to waste another money for this class since he didn't show any interests on this!

since then, he really showed what is the real man... haha but sometimes he would cries :)

sometimes he needs to be pampered!

oh well...


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