Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Insurance Medical Card

all about the insurance? oh well, i had the conversations with the hubs earlier and found that he would be meeting my cousin, Kathy by tomorrow lunch time, i was huh...?

"for what?"

he said he wants to buy a insurance medical card... my mind started beating a million of questions... why so?

because i had started to purchase the first medical card for my first child when she was at age 2.... and after 3 years later, i purchased another medical card for my second child when he was at age 2 too... this is what i have planned accordingly because i wanted them to have the medical cards at age 2... at least is better than never and still earlier though rather than purchasing the insurance when they were babies... plus i need to see the financial flow!

after a year from the date i purchased for my son, i bought the medical card for myself after found out my sister had a cyst at ovary a year ago... something was like that... so i was panic and learned that the woman health is the most important to be taken care! hence, i got one.

so far so good, i have been contributed the fund policies for my two kids as well as mine. although i have been struggled so much due to the financial problems but i still overcame at last but just my luck!

for their good sakes!

and the hubs never helped to contribute! sighs...

now the hubs wanted to get one for himself...

i conveyed him instantly...

"no need pay for the children insurances?"

because i am the ONE who contributing the fund policies all myself without any helps AND he is the husband plus a DADDY to a pair of children, did he understand what is the important of policy at first place? and hello... he REFUSED to pay, he said he got no extra money to pay these insurances that time...

blaa... blaa....

i was bloody mad!

and he said i never discussed with him first before i purchased the policies...

what a crazy!

i did rise this issue with him before BUT all i got was his COMPLAINS, MONEY PROBLEMS AND ARGUMENTS only...

he kept shooting me unreasonably...

the insurance life is a must, like that case, when my son got accident 2 years ago... he only remembered the insurance medical card when we were in the hospital... i was freaking mad because i was the one who contributing for their funds all these times.

did he financially contribute for these insurances? NO...

i was freaking mad with him... indeed... in his mind only :: Insurance Medical Card :: but never thought who was contributing the policy all those times? how stupid eh? and in end, the bill was stated only 300 bucks and he still wanted me to pay AA whilst i ALREADY contributed soo much eh? sighs...

useless and selfish fella... stupid!

and now? i don't know if he is willing to contribute these insurances as well... likely he is selfishly going to contribute is own insurance eh?



**p/s : AA = pay own self

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