Friday, April 5, 2013

bad day...

hi April... i knew i have encountered a bad day... last week i had a tiff with my hubs regarding that i didn't wake up early on the spot after he woke up me as well as the children and I didn't follow them go to pray my hubs's paternal grandparent.

even his 2nd sister also never helped out... such like to wake up me and the children... NEVER... they left us just like that until my son woke me up and i found that they left in within an hour!

they never gave sometimes for us to prepare.... especially the father-in-law, he always wanted to fast fast, leave fast fast, etc.. which really drove me NUTS in millions! they never waited for us even 10 min or half hour so?

i really upset with them and i still pretended with them....

really upset with them though!!!!

long sighs...

only my kids and I knew how to encounter this kind of situation which another people doesn't understand.

although his sister did treat us the lunch or dinner but that is not i want... this is kinda... i don't know how to explain but really ridiculous to me...

like when my hubby bullied or argued with me, his sisters will treat me nicely in order to make me feel easier and comfortable... but thats WRONG...

i don't feel happy either...

i really beh tahan with my hubs...

very childish!

very x1000000000 childish!!!!!!! which i really pissed off!

even i sought the opinions with my girlfriends as well as my sister, wanna go to pray parental grandparent or not also no problem, their partners never force them...

my hubs is other on the hand... he forced me to do whatever i don't like. if i don't go to pray with them, he keeps complaining, arguing and scolding me such like... i am married to him, must follows him etc... bla bla blaa....

don't you think he is ridiculous?

hello... this is a modern generation... no people would ask or force you except you are willing to go with them for Qing Ming right? i find my hubs and his father are really ridiculous!!!!


anyway, i fed up with them!!!


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