Friday, April 12, 2013

TGIF - - -

oh well, it's Friday here again... the time flies so fast! it's fast-forwarded to this month of April... can't imagine it though! like what i had a conversation with my lil brother another day, he also spoke that time flied so fast! in a blink of eye from the month of January, this is April again...


i guess i have so many things need to chase... i have my own plans! but i am currently working, it's difficult for me to settle my things unless i take off a few days or totally quit... *thinking*

by the way, my company will have a trip to Pulau Lang Tengah in coming July soon but since this is not only involved Sdn. Bhd but Holding as well... One company would be going together! not like last year which we went Pulau Redang with Sdn. Bhd. only.

i thought it was great to travel to Pulau Lang Tengah but when i asked my colleagues, they thought it was not a good idea because we need to get ride with the bus for more than 10 hours from company depart to Pulau Lang Tengah destination. hence, i have to double think because i can't join them without my colleague, WC who i always share the room. so i just remain the silence and let them decide because i heard WC said she wanna suggest to HR that we all wanna to change the place or change the transport to the plane rather than taking the bus for 10 hours, that's scary! now we wait and see what else HR would announce later.


oh no! i miss the dimple guy again... wondering how is he lately? anyway, i don't wanna to disturb him. i don't wish he calls me Madam again... this is really crazy of him! i just ignore this matter since this is not important for us neither... plus if i greet him more than he does, he would thinks i fell in love with him... that's hilarious!


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