Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Blues!!!

it's Monday again! duno whether it's a good thing or what? anyway, it's still a Monday blues to me... oh well, i had tried to get some rests this latest days! so far so good, i think it should be fine by now as i still freshly awake! hehe... glad that i had left my daddy place earlier on that Saturday, around 4pm... thought of leaving earlier due to insisted by my son and my hubs would complains again if i go home at late hour as he can't tahan being all alone in the house! *padan muka* so i tried to adjust my timing to reach home not too late.

oh well, just a right timing when we reached home. i hopped the bed and had a long rest until 7pm :)

i thought it was a great feeling as i had slept soundly without any disturbs! hehe...

at that night, we went to Sunway Pyramid as it was my hubs's wish. didn't know what was his purpose this time... and oh no... my daughter still felt unwell... we had porridges. and there was a Harvey Norman promotion, my hubs just thought of getting a new LED TV! at beginning i was not agreeing because we were really out of budget and at home, TV was just fine although there was slightly damaged. i mean we can't watch NTV, not at all but can't watch clearly... don't know whether it's the aerial problem or TV problem? *long sighs*

in case if i said i didn't want to buy, my hubs would be fuming mad! i found this is really childish and i never thought of getting the LED TV for now... but he seemed really driving me nuts as if we bought it, we shall pay 1/2 each other... after all, not my wish anyway... it's his wish why should i pay? it's really funny!!!


hate this so much!!! and he could never understands me! i don't want pay meant i really never pay for what i don't want to buy BUT he forced me to this!!!! seriously i speak, i never thought of getting LED TV for now... not now... maybe later coz i never think this is really an important thing that we should buy one??? really ridiculous!

never mind... we bought already! and the hubs was happy and i was not happy in silent mode... yes, i was damn angry but what to do???!!!!

and next Sunday morning, he was busy cleaning the house, he threw the things that i didn't know what he tried to throw... and scolded everyone in the morning... i really pissed off with his attitudes! how nice if he is kicked out and by that time, we would be feeling peace!!! the world would be peace without him around! yes! the children also don't like him though! it doesn't mean they don't like him, just don't like the way how he treats them ridiculously...

even my daughter also asked me why daddy always get angry over small issues? i also don't know how to answer because not only her, me also!!!!

sighs... don't know who is terrible indeed? me or him?

sometimes i am not happy with him!!!!

sounds like i force pretending to be happy with him but in fact,  i am not happy! his attitudes really terrible... i don't know what are another people look at him???!!!

maybe they thought he is a nice guy but hello, maybe he is a nice guy for friends. but to a family? i don't think so... even everything is also paid 1/2 each other and he is not that generous to pay for this family... not only this family BUT to my family as well... he never thought of paying either lunch or dinner for my daddy!

terrible eh?

but my daddy is too nice, he doesn't mind and never complains coz the hubs is not his own son and he doesn't have the right to scold or ask him to do this and that...

sometimes i really can't tahan with the hubs!

for sure...

my mind sometimes really wanna gonna crazy!

but i am just be super patient... 100%...

don't know who should be patient over who? me or him?

he even spoke that he can't tahan with me? but for your informations, the children also can't tahan with him.... so?

i really don't know what to do later...

my heart is really broken and slightly losing the feelings for this family...

sometimes i feel wanna run away with my children!

run away from him...

i believe nobody can't tahan with his attitudes if they live with him....

unless his own family because his own family understands him too well...

for those friends? good luck! as long as he treats his friends, that's good... otherwise, he will treats the friend like shit...


don't know whether i talk rubbishes today? my mood is really bad larr....


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