Friday, April 5, 2013

opposite the thought!

i was having the lunch with the hubs earlier... at first was okay, afterward when i mentioned about my brother-in law (my sister's husband) birthday today... i was joking with him at Patio Cocoa cake shop next to vegetarian shop nearby my office. i told him in joking mode...

"i wanna buy a birthday cake for brother-in-law"

"i dunwan..."

"why? he has always treated us the lunch / dinner"

"my sisters always bought the clothes for our children. but u never appreciated."

"WHAT? i did appreciate whatever they did but that was past, and NOW?? did they? i didn't see since i had 2nd child until now... the last clothes that she bought for our daughter was 5 years ago...."

"my sisters always treat us the lunch / dinner but u never think wan repaying..."

i was speechless....

oh well, that certains not me, because they are his sisters... why should i pay? supposed to be him?

how ridiculous eh!!!

even my siblings always pay but never demand... so? my hubby never thought of paying them... even worse and more stingy toward my family compared to his family. of course everyone wants to treat own family better! but i just treat those who treats my family nicely and i am sure to treat back the same way!!!

right? but my hubs is other on the hand... very selfish!

i did thank for my family-in-law for everything. certainly! but i don't fancy at them though... *long story eh*

but i really absolutely hate the way my hubs treats my family like that!!!

i don't buy anything for her children because she doesn't buy anything for my children, even got also very rare!!! all goes for her own children!... only my hubby is blindly caring his family...

beh tahan!


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