Wednesday, March 6, 2013

he is very kiasu

my hubby and i had a conversation earlier, found he is really kiasu though!!!!

he said if not for my brother's supports, until now he will never buys the house!

you say? he really kanasai, i tell you! but i am glad that he finally bought the house due the owner had increased the rent fee two months ago. but i notice this is kinda too rushing and causing everything became messy!

no preparation at all. this stupid husband is not well planning accordingly. sighs... in fact, he had planned to go travel to Taiwan with his Gundam friends in coming soon. because of purchasing the property recently, that needs a lot of cashes to use for the house including the lawyer fee and etc.

hence, i understood this situation. after used up the saving for the house, he thought he might not going to Taiwan. i was huh....?

i asked him why so?

he said after used up, no more saving...

it sounds like he gives up so fast?

waaa... i can't believe that!

if i were him, i am certain to work harder then to make sure everything is sufficient throughout monthly / yearly after purchasing the house. not to make the family survive together! *touch wood*

can say he is kiasu???



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