Sunday, March 10, 2013

What A Sunday!

the husband really had a bad tempered today! he even screamed at me in front of the children in the car during on the way back home right after the lunch nearby. i really pissed off with his attitudes when i was speaking that he wanted to buy another fish this morning? and now he refused to buy, even said NEVER BUY since all fishes were died.

i really beh tahan for now... his attitudes really drove me to wall at times yet i am still bear with it. i won't argue with him or what. because that's not appropriate to argue during he drove car. his attitudes could be crazy! i am worried about my kids's safety only NOT him ok.

oh well, he told our children that the mummy is really stingy but in fact, he is more stingy than me. as i spoke in previous entries, he never contributed any for our children yet he dares to say me stingy?

okay, yesterday he whatsapp-ed me that he wanted to go for a movie with me and the children later, i asked who pays? if he pays then we would be fine to catch a movie with him... BUT he said we both are paying half each other... WTF, i don't want and sorry, as i said this time is not appropriate to catch a movie anyway because i had spent so much money for this month! apart for the new house, i also needed to contribute another things. now i haven't settled for my children and mine's policies as well as the car installment plus i owed with my friend for E-excel products. i can't imagine if every month it goes the same, i am doomed for sure.

oh well, my current job really couldn't give me any future promising and i don't know how long i shall work for this current company plus my company will have the convention very soon in 3 months time and i don't think i would work on this anyway. these bosses never give me any chances to show off though so what? okay, i think this job is just fine for me to stay up for a whole day with a fixed salary which would be gone in 1 week after salaried for every 1st of monthly... it sounds terrible eh?

yeah as i spoke about the childcare? i have visited both of childcares. one in Puchong and another one in Sri Petaling. Puchong one, is quite big and very spacious but it had stopped operating for 3 months ago due the owner moved to Rawang, it's kinda difficult for her to daily travel both destinations. whilst, another one in Sri Petaling, it's still operating with 20 children for now, the owner wants to look for someone that could take care her business as she is ill... she has just discharged a week ago, she doesn't want to work too tiring plus her husband wants her to rest longer period. she in fact had twice times for operations, she might have another operation again in a week of next? maybe? i forgot... but she is indeed ill.

the Sri Petaling  childcare one is very nice design, everything is well-built and ready to operate. that means the income still continues after i take over, i say perhaps i will...? this is all up to the owner is willing to sell me or not. even now i just sent a message to her that i am really interested to... and i got no replies from her. perhaps she thought i am still not fit for this business though :(

never mind... the chances are always there, just that i want to chase my dreams for sure :)

as for Puchong childcare? it's totally empty, if i start with that, i need to start all over again. both childcare prices also same... so what say you?

i really am scared about the risk yet i wanted to start my own business so much. the Sri Petaling owner even asked me to discuss with my husband about this but i don't think this is a good idea as my husband has no patience at all and is not good socialize with small children, even his own children also can't. i spoke once, his pattern of teaching the children is really totally wrong! he always whacks and beats the children if something's wrong. how terrible eh? otherwise, how he becomes a husband and father?? i find this is really ridiculous though for a man like him... *touch woods*


i choose to settle my own rather than rely or listen to him... after all, he is kiasu more than me. indeed.

i wonder how long i could bear with him? his attitudes really worse now. he never respects me as a wife indeed.

oh well, never mind.

time will tell everything...


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