Friday, March 15, 2013

back to work after a hiatus - - -

i have been on MC these 2 days. and i am back to working life as usually although it's a Friday Blues! hmm... sometimes i feel this company is like a Zombie house where nobody greets each other. indeed, i miss my previous first company where i worked for first time after moved to here from Johor 9 years ago. that time i was a full time housewife in Johor and i was indeed unhappy every second, minute, month and year when i was in Johor after married and had my first child. we had argued almost everyday due to this reason which i spoke out that i wanna move back to where i was born and grew up, there's my hometown where i have my family, friends and life there not in Johor! *sorry to say this, this is from my bottom of heart, i never thought to stay in Johor forever...*

okay back to the topic i mentioned earlier... i have been working here for 2 years plus... this coming August sooner, it would be 3 years. the time flies so fast and there's nothing to be challenged all the years i work here and i feel boring and not so energetic as before.  of course, the projects keep repeating  the same, no shiok at all de...

so far, i speak frankly. here is can be said okay lor, compared to the previous one before i started to join this current company. the previous one where i worked in Bandar Kinrara, near Giant but it was in industrial area, i don't want to tell the name of company because i don't want to bad mouth about this. enough to say for now. i had a bad experience during working at my previous company. bosses and manager were so biassed. they cared one more than everyone although the mad dog i meant was the manager always screamed madly during working times and even screamed in the phone...

we all were really pissed off with her but at times she is a kinded heart, just that she and i were not that so "ngam"... hard to communicate each other. not only this problem, i also had a bad experience to encounter everyone in the company. everyone was so hypocrite and pretending to be nice with me but back of the story was different, it was like i was stabbed behind without my realization! damn eh?

no longer after few months after i was assigned to work here, i tendered a resignation letter and everyone seemed to be happy. so bye to that previous company! i don't want to mention some more about that company. pissed off though eh?

okay, since i joined this current company 2 years ago, so far everything is okay. just that there's still a slightly politic each other! i don't trust most of them because once i was stabbed, i knew who's the culprit and won't longer socialize with them anymore, i keep low profile and doing my works at times is better than gossiping that waste my time only. agree?

okay, definitely not all colleagues are meant to do so, certain people only yeah!

close one eye, everything is fine :)


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