Thursday, February 28, 2013

Overhead flyover near Cyberjaya collapses

just read it earlier... it was happening earlier today. Cyberjaya!

just wish those people who pass by there are safe and sound right now...


uninvited plan

yesterday my hubby whatsapp-ed me and telling that his all sisters would be coming down to KL this Sunday to have buffet together. i was huh..? ain't they supposed to celebrate my hubby belated birthday which falls on tomorrow? sighs, look at them... never celebrated my kids and mine but him?

now i know how they treat this way... thank you! i better remain silent for time being until will be noticed in advance if anything changes. i don't want filter any complaints now! i myself don't know how to deal with this issue since i am not that closer with them, could be pretend sometimes in order to smile widely! *touch woods*

never mind, once in a while is okay.


One Day

fyi, when i browsed MPH Online, i found this novel called "One Day", i got interested to know about this. hence, i browsed more details about this. yay, this is also included the movie as well apart from the novel.  

frankly speaking, i am so much in love with the love story etc... make me feel younger and energetic... hehe *kidding* but i am like a girl who is always dreaming the fantasy love, dreamland, Cinderella love story, Snow White love story and etc... i love to watch as well as read the love stories.  i even wish everything happens to me in fantasy mode... but impossible? never mind, can dream but wants to make it a reality is a big difficult... hehe unless i have a strong desire / ambition / feel to make it comes true... can eh? LOL...

in my real life, my love is not so romance and happier than what those love stories told about... my hubby is not a kind of romance person who could give me more happiness and romances. he is likely a childish and stubborn guy who always against my ideas all the times if something goes wrong! as well as being a daddy of two, still couldn't carry a duty very well. as i spoke in previous entries, his tempers are not that good. still hot and would whack if something is wrong. that makes me pissed off at times!


okay, just ignore these. back the topic! i copy some to share here...

One Day is a novel by David Nicholls, published in 2009. Each chapter covers the lives of two protagonists on 15 July, St. Swithin's Day, for twenty years. The novel attracted generally positive reviews, and was named 2010 Galaxy Book of the Year.[1] Nicholls has adapted his book into ascreenplay; the feature film, also titled One Day, was released in August 2011.


Dexter and Emma spend the night together following their graduation from Edinburgh University in 1988. They talk about how they will be once they are 40. While they do not become romantically involved completely, this is the beginning of their friendship. The novel visits their lives and their relationship on July 15 in successive years in each chapter for 20 years. Emma wants to improve the world and begins writing and performing plays, which remain unsuccessful, while Dexter travels through the world, drinking and hooking up with women. Eventually both move to London where Emma becomes a waitress in Kentish Town at a Tex-Mex restaurant, while Dexter becomes a successful television presenter.
While there are various attempts from both sides to start a relationship, coincidences stop Emma and Dexter from getting together and while they have relationships with other people, they stay best friends, both secretly longing for the other. They are drawn together closer through a holiday together and the death of Dexter's mother.
Emma breaks up with her boyfriend, Ian, after realising she is creating a life with someone she doesn't love. During this time Emma is able to find a job as a teacher, after various years of struggle, despite a "double-first degree". Dexter meanwhile develops a drinking and drug problem and watches his career collapse. The friendship between Emma and Dexter grows more and more difficult, after Emma is constantly hurt by Dexter who attempts to hide his feelings for her from both her and himself. After being treated rudely by Dexter at a restaurant, Emma breaks up the friendship.
At the wedding of Emma's former roommate, Emma and Dexter meet again. Emma admits that she wants Dexter back. At this point of time she has just ended an affair with her headmaster, Dexter has fallen in love with another woman, Sylvie, who is pregnant. At this reunion, Dexter invites Emma, who is disappointed by the situation, to his wedding.
Emma tries to overcome her problems and begins to write, while Dexter is unemployed and overwhelmed by his role as a father after his divorce from Sylvie, who was having an affair. After realizing this, he and Emma have sex for the first time. They do not get together and Emma leaves to go to Paris in the hope of writing a sequel to her first successful children's novel. When Dexter visits her in Paris, he learns that she met someone and likes him and for the first time admits his feelings to her. After talking about their relationship, Emma chooses Dexter.
Emma and Dexter form a relationship and are happy together, with plans to marry at some point, however Emma wants a child. The couple finds themselves frustrated by the failing attempts to have a child. Dexter however is able to open a deli-cafe and finds himself on his way back to being successful again. On the anniversary of the day they met after graduation and the day they got together, Emma and Dexter have an appointment to see a house. While travelling there, Emma has a bike accident and dies. After her death, Dexter finds himself in despair. He starts to drink again and provokes people in bars in order to get beaten. He is comforted through his ex-wife Sylvie, his father and his daughter. The upcoming year he travels together with his daughter to Edinburgh where he and Emma met and they climb the same mountain together that Emma and Dexter climbed 19 years ago.
The book ends with a memory of what happened after that first night together in 1988 and Emma's and Dexter's first kiss and promise to stay in touch and their goodbye.

here i noticed both novel and movie's plots were slightly changed, not 100% to focus on the novel, the movie had made something different. anyway, the story still attracts me though right now :)

this is another one from movie directed by Lone Scherfig in year 2011.


Emma Morley (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess) meet after their graduation from the University of Edinburgh on 15 July 1988. They spend the night together but agree to be friends.
Then one year later, Emma is working as a waitress in a Mexican restaurant in London and Dexter is travelling the world, drinking and promiscuously going through several girlfriends. Eventually Dexter becomes a wealthy and highly successful television presenter on a raucous late-night show. Although meeting once in a while throughout the years, Emma meets Ian (Rafe Spall), a comedian whom she doesn't find funny. The two start dating anyway and she becomes a school teacher.
Dexter's once-glamorous mother (Patricia Clarkson), now diagnosed with cancer, is unimpressed with the nature of his TV show. His father (Ken Stott) is also disappointed with him and bans him from the family house. Emma is growing steadily more irritated with Ian, so she and Dexter organize a meeting over dinner.
Dexter gets high from cocaine, insults Emma, flirts with a blonde down the hall and generally ignores her most of the time. After making a public scene Emma storms off, suggesting that they break off their friendship entirely.
A few years later, Emma's former roommate gets married and both she and Dexter are invited to the wedding. There she discovers that Dexter now has a new fiancee, Sylvie (Romola Garai), and is on the way to becoming a father. She tries to hide the fact that she is upset and they share a very brief kiss. Dexter learns that Sylvie is actually having an affair with an old friend of his. They divorce.
Emma and Ian split up and she becomes a published author. Emma moves to Paris, where Dexter visits in the hope that they will get together again. By this time, despite their one-night-stand, Emma now has a new boyfriend (Sébastien Dupuis), who plays piano in a jazz band. Smitten and taken aback by this knowledge, Dexter begins to leave. But Emma, having second thoughts, chases after him and catches up, resulting in their sharing a passionate kiss.
Over the next few years, they become engaged and marry, Dexter runs his own cafe which proves to be very lucrative, and they start trying to have their own baby. They're unsuccessful. While riding her bike out of a blind alley, Emma is hit by a truck and dies.
In 2011, Dexter visits the hill where he first went with Emma in 1988 again; this time with his daughter, Jasmine. He reminisces about the day when he and Emma first met.

what say you? ain't the love story so beautiful?



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

so sleepy

Tuesday Blues... i am so sleepy! woke up in wee hours and checking the time at my handphone. i admit i got worried about fetching my daughter to school at late hour and she might be punished for this. my faults.

throughout the day, i am so sleepy yet so busy with my works. feel not so enjoying with this kind of life though. so no choice, need to think already once everything is confirmed.

oh well... left a few minutes to bid a good bye, need go home and rest already. otherwise i might baking later :)


Chinese Sponge Cake ♥

my 2nd times to bake these Chinese Sponge Cakes without vanilla as my colleague advised not to put vanilla. i baked them yesterday night when i found so many eggs at home plus they would be expired in two weeks time... hence, i just baked. plus this recipe is so simple. everyone loves this sponge cake :)

 why not?

this time is much better and nicer than 1st time one although both of them are nicer. just that 1st time baked one was applied with vanilla essence. they said this time is much better and greater taste :)

yay!!! ♥


Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Blues

the Chap Goh Mei festival was over yesterday and it was the last day of CNY which was 15 days from 1st day of CNY and it was a Chinese Valentine Day! my hubby's Chinese birthday was falling on yesterday and we didn't celebrate it though. plus, my hubby doesn't really like many people to wish him neither to celebrate his birthday. weird eh?

i don't know why he doesn't like but i don't bother about it... so far, i just wanna everyone including my family to be happy on their birthday celebrations! whatever it is, i feel the time flied so fast. in a blink of eye, it is almost near to an end of this month! sighs... feeling like nothing to enjoy!

we just bought a property, a lot of things need to be considered these within few months! such like bank loan, lawyer's S & P etc...

this morning, my daughter's teacher called and gave the 1st warning. she reminded us not to fetch her to school at late hour! *touch woods*

sometimes i feel guilty for my daughter but she also needs to be discipline herself as well... can't always rely on me all the time! plus, she is 11 years old now... she can't manage the timing well! i got no idea how to educate this daughter and she dares to argue with me :(

and the daddy also can't help at all. i wanted to ask him to give a lesson but when i recalled about his pattern of educating, i changed my mind because i am totally banning about the ways he educate such like whack and beat... not to advise or what! that's his style what! hence, i handle it by myself. just hope she is a good girl to listen to me. sometimes she is stubborn like her daddy which really driving me up to wall! *fuming mad*

oh no, i got a slight headache now... :(


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Butter Cookies

Good Morning

Good Morning... though it's Thursday Blue! hehe... i am still sleepy! supposed to go bed earlier but i was late to bed about 11pm ++... and woke up at 6am yet i am so sleepy now...

reached office earlier and started working until now... never stop! the jobs are always loaded non-stop. thought feel want to take a break!

yay i need a holiday!

oh well, this job is really boring and nothing is challenging me! repeating the same which is driving me nuts all the time and the salary is always never satisfied me! so?

what a working life now!

hmm... suddenly i miss someone! :(



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

i am back...

after been away for a week CNY holidays, today i am back to work. feel so lazy and day-dreaming throughout the day... hehe...

feel awkward about my working station. i still prefer to sleep at this hour... lolx.

CNY is less and more to be fun around but sometimes i prefer my past generation which is much more fun than now and i don't feel any lively occasion throughout CNY times.

i miss those old days - played the fireworks, climbing, travelling all alone in around kampung (back in my dad hometown), played the children games, makan-makan... and etc :)

look at this present generation, all children glue to the gadgets eg. smart phones, ipads, iphones, wii, psp and etc which we had not having these gadgets back those times. how lucky for those children this generation but sadly it's boring though!

should practice it to be more lively and happier with traditional games. sighs...

what a generation!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

company CNY dinner

We had the CNY dinner earlier. It was fun!!! :)
Shall tell more later. I am tired and wanna sleep now...


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Alfio Raldo Purse

nice or not? i browsed earlier... found this wallet... slightly expensive than i chosen another wallet costed rm79.90 but then i got voucher rm20, this needs more than 80 dollar, hence i chosen this instead.

i hope can get asap as the condition said if order before 4.30pm by today, 2 working days... i guess it should be reach by this Friday.... :)

horrayy! yay! i chosen COD instead of using the credit card because i thought longer in a while... if i use the credit card, would burden me more! long neck already! sighs... better choose the simple way eg. COD?



Wordless Wednesday ♥

a CNY appreciation from my Madam...

i got it from Madam personally two weeks ago...
not only me, a few selected staffs were honored to get this cloth from Madam...


my first Hello Kitty Debit card :)

another day i went to HLB to take out a few cash to pay my car installment, i saw Hello Kitty bunting. hence, i asked the person in charge about it. she spoke that it's for the adult saving account. need to open at least RM300 for first time. i told her that i shall apply next time.

Hello Kitty! 

* source *


browsing the HLB online and looking at this website... impressing eh?

today i really went there just to apply this Hello Kitty debit card! * thanks to my colleague, Mr Chan for accompanying me :) *

in fact, i got the MBB cheque which was given by my brother last week but i delayed until now. i never expected my brother to whatsapp me and asking me why i still not bank in the cheque... =_="

i shocked like can't believe. i wondered how did he know i haven't bank in the cheque yet? scary huh??? hehe... i told him that i shall going to bank in very soon means i wanted to open new account as well as getting the Debit Card... but i didn't tell him that i am going to open new account. i wondered whether does this Debit Card help? but actually i applied this is just for fun. because of Hello Kitty. no any purpose though. oh well, i got this!

nice eh? :)

i knew i have soo many accounts but none of them are loaded with money! some of them are... specially for salaried and savings only.

i shall replace my current Coach wallet to a new big wallet since my wallet is so small and no space for putting the cards. sighs... 


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

about credit card

my colleague, Ms Lim shared with me about how good it is from Citibank. she even helped to take the Citibank credit card form which she had spoken with the lass who is working at Citibank Sunway Pyramid, told her about my condition. hence, she chosen this kind of credit card which is free for life.


any differences?

currently i am holding Maybank credit cards. like below... :: Maybank Mastercard and Amex ::

so why not i try another since it's no harm to apply and cut after a half year? oh well, this sounds interesting. why? this credit card is called "Choice"... is able to purchase in the worldwide and even from shopping online. cash rebate 50% from the amount of purchasing such like if i buy Rm100 product, this bank would give me back rebate Rm50... so on... etc.

but sometimes it tends to be dangerous if over spending on the credit cards and owe with the bank too much causing it might blacklist! will be difficult when purchasing the asset and liability in the future!

have the credit card has many advantages and disadvantages. we need to be smarter bit and discipline in controlling on the spending when using the credit card!

at times, having the credit card may be used for an emergency only. not purposely shopping or etc. need to kick this habit and be smarter in discipline in using the credit card. oh well, i started to have my very first credit card two years ago. in fact, i wanted to apply a credit card for myself in previous years but sometimes the bank didn't permit due to my lower salary or my hubs didn't release a thought to make a supplement card for me either... i still remember when my hubs applied UOB credit card, the sale person asked him if he would like to make a supplement card for me and my hubs refused. i was fuming mad that time but after thought several occasions, it may be good for me if i didn't use any credit cards that time as my hubs had a heavy debts that time. so, i just let it go.

but now i realize that my hubs is actually not good managing the credit card bills! frankly speaking, i don't know how he used the credit card, settled the debts etc. but as for me, since i started to hold the Maybank credit card, i have always clear my debts... as well as photocopied bills attached with the payment. and keep it in as a file for a reference.

if i am afford not to pay the debt, i just pay 50% from that and will make the next payment. this is what i must do... otherwise i would be the next one like my hubs. very heavy debts and couldn't make payment on time. that's so scary!

oh well, just a sharing...



consults with lawyer

supposed to meet the agent at 12pm. but we have waited so long even during lunch time, the agent still didn't call back... kns~

then agent called back and ask to meet at 1.30pm later... =_="

after half hour, my hubs still didn't call me... wah i gonna crazy even sent message also never replied. hence, i went there alone and saw them with the lawyer... blaa blaa...

they talked about putting one or two names in this property because the lawyer spoke if we put two names and next time we want to buy house also don't have 50% for this duty stamping. i thought if i let my hubs put his name on this property? i sent whatsapp message to my brother. guess what? because of he is helping us, he suggests to put two names so that is easier the procedures go smoothly as well as take out the EPF out. maybe twos contribute more than one? right.

frankly speaking, my brother is caring and thought for me. he wants everything must including my name. if not because me, my brother would not help my hubs... that's for sure. but for my sake, my brother is willing to help us no matter how.... because he wants us to live on own NOT to rent forever... looks at our age, still want to rent? of course my family is unhappy because my hubs is kinda not working very harder although he is working harder BUT not so... i mean as a guy should work more than what he has now... to know he has a family to contribute more...


oh well... my fate to have a husband like him... don't know whether is good or not???

never mind... at least we have own house... the rest becomes the history... at least my brother will watch over us...

God bless...



yesterday i was reading with my son... and i didn't know how to pronounce the words, asking the daddy to read for him. when our son was not replying or reading, the daddy whacked him badly until he got the beaten marks at his hand and leg... how heartache i was when i saw the daddy whacked him!

frankly speaking, this daddy barely spends with the children and he has no patience to teach the children. something's wrong, he sure whacks them. without double-thinking that he actually seldom checks or studies with them. all the time, he spends on the pc, smart phone and watching entertainments.

instantly this can't blames the children because the daddy hardly to know what's up to them in school etc. all things i care yet the daddy blames me for not spending with them. hello... this is about the parenting, the parent role must be cooperation and teaching the correct ways to them NOT in a day if they can't learn a single word, gonna to whack like that? that's sooo unacceptable!

i told my son's principal as well as my daddy this morning regarding our son's beaten marks... they shocked and felt heartache for him! so do i too. i never beat my children using the rotan! only if needs to... but normally i don't beat them! that's why? the daddy said i spoilt them too much. but frankly speaking, our children are not worse and naughtier. just that the daddy seldom spends time with them, barely reading with them!!!! this can't blames the children for being like this. all learns from the parent!

oh well, i try my best but the daddy is not. although he is a father of two yet his attitudes are strongly unacceptable! because the parenting ways he gave is totally wrong. up to him if he doesn't believe and pushes all faults to me but i know what i have done. at least my children are sticking to me more than the daddy!

whatever i said, this doesn't help at all because it's difficult to change his patterns of educating the children. i think he follows his father's style whom used to beat and whack when my hubs was small. that's why there's not good about my hubs's family. none knows whats the harmony, good parenting ways and etc... at times, my hubs always blames me for spoilt our children and this caused my children don't listen to me! i admit i am not very fierce but i can reason and teach them ways to learn together. i am kinda of person don't beat or whack unless there's a reason. my hubs beats and whacks no matter if our children don't listen or what... this is really sad and our children don't really close to him. they are closer to me more than the daddy all the times... this is obviously understood..

anyway, i fed up with the way he educates our children. i just hope there's no more beat and whack!


i felt heartache when see my son has whacked terribly. and actually i was mad with him because he refused to read. but when time to sleep. he was still standing there and the daddy went sleeping at living room without talking with him whilst i went to bed... sleeping and looking at him. he still stood there and kept quiet... like very innocent... i felt sooo heartache. i asked him where to sleep...? he still stood there without saying anything.

hence, i called him and hugging him tightly... talked to him... then sleeping with me! i know he loves me more than the daddy that's why he loves to kiss me more than the daddy :)

my boy! mummy loves u... don't worry, you are not alone, you still have me, jie jie, maternal grandparent, jiu jiu and yi yi to love u :)


Monday, February 4, 2013

start a new phase of buying

today we supposed to go to agent's office. we thought my brother would issue a cheque but he didn't prepare... he wanted to go with us so that he can understands more details because he is afraid we are inexperience about buying the property. yes, we both are the first buyer of house!

and it was raining earlier in the morning.

my brother came and fetch us go there, having the discussion, signing the S&P and etc as well as paid 3% for this purchase price... my brother even introduced the banker for my hubs and he will make a call for the house loan.

oh well, after that we had the lunch together at downstair the agent's place. now we start to prepare the documents needed to show the bank later on... eg. collect the latest 3 months salary slips, EA form and the property documents.

okay, there would be more procedures sooner... wondering it is successful? because we are buying a Bumi Lot! heard there are many stories about pros and cons of buying Bumi Lot.

i am not sure but shall see how everything goes...


oh my home!!!

Just browsed the houses recently... some of them we liked very much but these are depending on the house price, location and etc. Last Thursday night, i went to check Permai Villa apartment with my kids as my hubs had a function in Sunway. Oh well, we met property agent, Miss Christy. She came with her son. This apartment comes with 8 floors with the lift but we went the unit located at second floors.

The owner was an Indian. The decorations all are about Indian stuffs. But very nice though.  The smell from the praying place at another room near the entrance was really disgusting! Sorry to say. I knew this is a culture of India but i can't help. *forgive me*

I like this place but slightly further from my current place plus the road sometimes jam... i still prefer my current place.

Ignore this place and we still look for another place. Coincidentally, my hubs has another appointments to view on following days.

On friday night, we went to view Sri Cassia apartment at 9pm right after my facial. Oh well, this place was quite nice and newly renovated!!! But.... it is at top floor... =_="

the price was out of our budget. The owner previously put at 250k and after nego, it was deducted to 230k at least but we still can't meet this demand. Slightly out of budget! Thought to deal bit more to get the best price.

Next day, we have another appointment  at our current place by 5pm. Instantly, we found this unit is at first floor and the owner was a Malay. Hence, we had the mutual decision. Simply agreed without hesitate. Unlike another day when my hubs rushed to buying an unit at top floor next to my current block one... luckily i stopped him. although he was mad with me because i got many excuses. Of course, my intuition is always accurate! Otherwise, i would be greater regretting!!!!! Sometimes i can't just agree with his rush decision. Stupid doings! In fact he was preparing everything even called my brother. I strongly objected over this matter. But it didn't happen eventually because my hubs slightly upset when i objected to buy the top floor unit next to my block!


to be continued-


unpleasant request!

yesterday i woke up at 8am but i slept back again until 10am something because my kid wanted me to wake up! To help him... =_="

okay, as usually i would check my phone and see any incoming messages? Surprisingly, my second sister-in-law sent whatsapp message to me. Called in sweet tone some more. This was unusual ways that i didn't expect that she must has something to request. Hence, i just said hi...?

then she spoke that she hoped i could cook some dishes this saturday as she would be back on saturday evening. I was unpleasant but couldn't reject her offer because this was kinda cruel for me to object and refused to cook for her since she thought she had contributed so much for us eh? In fact, not all she contributed for us. This also depended the love she dotes on all going to her own sister's children NOT my children. So why should i be nicer with her?

and not only this. She treats me nicely because of i am her brother's wife. So whatever she must be her own brother side if anything happens. Like those previous cases, where my hubs n i had terrible arguments until almost divorced. This also she said she can't listen to my side one. Must listen to both sides but she never asked my hubs about what had happened. All were gone in silence only.

Not only this second sister-in-law, another sisters-in-law are included.

Saying they miss me, all words are just words. Never see they are truly loving me and my children. but i don't mind how they treat us. I don't care. I never want to know about them much details unless some reasons only eg. the second sister-in-law had an operation recently as well as the father-in-law had his body check-up and found something's wrong but for this moment, he should be fine by now and on medicine.

Oh well, never mind, i just obey her request but for this time. Perhaps. I don't want to do for them again. Unpleasant request though and i seldom cook for my family what.

Every time going back to my hubs hometown, i could just being pretend all the time. No ways to be true one. Sighs! I am so sick of this.

Anyway, kinda okay that i don't live with them. Otherwise, i sure bang to wall everyday!


Saturday, February 2, 2013

nothing is perfect

frankly speaking, i have complained soooo much about my hubs... even complained with some of close members eg. my close friends that always share about the hubs, my bro and his gf as well as my daddy.

then i realize why should i complain about my hubs every time we are into arguments?

every couples are imperfect but if we work harder to mend our relationships, ain't it should better than i expected? although he is stubborn and childish but this also needs to see the matter! oh well, it's balanced between two persons if one is childish and one is rational... would be greater if it is combined unless both are childish then FINISH lor...

okay, i try my best to amend the mistakes and having a good communication with him. hopefully this works! yeah we are cooperating to look for the house right now... we may into more discussions about the house...

i admit i also did the mistakes, so does he... as i say, nothing is perfect. although i have complained soooo much and he doesn't. that doesn't mean he is correct at all. he just keeps in his heart. don't want to raise the issue as he doesn't really into this relationship issue... bleh.

he needs to understand that the world is different already now...

nowadays the divorce issue is common already, hence we should work harder to meet our demands to make our relationships as well as our family to be perfect bit more will do because we have been gone ups and downs so long... more than 10 years, it's sad if 10 years marriage gone because of a small matter.... right?

moreover, he tried his best to be a good husband and daddy to a pair of children. he tried his best to provide everything for this family, this is also questioned the limited he provided, he can't contribute at all because of his limited salary. as i knew the men salary should be higher than women but my hubs is at vice-versa... sadly, i speak he is carefully about spending the money but the most is his own things, not to contribute for our children's policy and the things that i purchase without his permission. sighs.

seem i need to work harder now... to make more money to have a better living for my family. the world is complicated. especially Malaysia, in the big city, every properties darn expensive more than what we expected... not easy to get a property. not worth indeed... somemore Malaysian needs to go thru many things such like tax, expenses, entertainments and etc... not easier!

oh well... how to get a peace and happy living if everything becomes complicated? i wonder why those people could pay more than i do...

frankly speaking, i never been to overseas for a long time... the last destination i had been was Medan, Indonesia by plane with my family... that was when i was at age 15... long time de...

and my hubs was just lucky.  he got to go overseas, this also provided by his company. but for family trip, we are able not to make it... everything is also money! everyday also needs money!

so stressed eh? more to my kids's educations, even worse... we got no saving for them... (face palm)

oh well... just our luck! maybe we thought we are worse but when double thinking, another people are worse than us... we thankful for this and feel just blessed though. anyway, everything needs hard works!

i don't believe we are at end of road, there's still a long journey to go... here it go ways....

just a luck eh? :)

okay... words!


What A Saturday!!!!!!!

:: someone is promoted... ::

the big boss announced earlier that Abang Raub has promoted to be supervisor... how nice leh, everyone is celebrating for him and even presenting a cake for him... (clap hand)

for me, i have been working so long but had never experienced about promoted... oh well, just ignore, but this needs to work very harder to achieve the dream!

:: Saturday words ::

now i need to plan already and i can't work for people forever like that. as i had spoken in previous entry, we are currently looking for a house... so many houses we have been visited and we have no interest for those houses because of the further place and travel to two places (my current place, as well as my dad's house and my kids school are based here!) so we don't think that is a good idea to live a further place that we had looked for in Balakong... ain't this further from our current place now?

oh well, my dad is upset! he advised us to look around here at very least to lighten our burdens eg. my dad will be here for me whenever i need his helps, my kids school are based here, my hubs and mine working place is based here too and the environments give us the best already here. nearby shopping mall, hypermarkets, shopping areas and etc. plus, it's an ideal place for us but the price is a matter!!!
nowadays this area is really expensive more than those further areas such like puchong south, balakong, serdang etc although these places are selling the reasonable price but too further!

we still choose this place, maybe our current place but different block? maybe? need to see whether this is available? as well as those apartments around here, just try our luck to get a better place with a reasonable price that is worth for our limited budgets.

luckily i had reminded my hubs that we can't rush to look for a house. too rush will cause everything is messy... in fact, i was lucky to stop him from buying that top floor unit next to my block because not about the basic unit, but the condition of unit which is not a really good, like the ceiling seems crack, the door seems broken before, the place is not so clean and super dirty like this place had abandoned for a long time, these make me double-thought to purchase or not.

oh well, just my luck! my hubs changed his mind and stop blaming me. in fact, we have a plenty of time to look for the house for now IF he starts this month and onward non-stop until we find an ideal house then we just purchase once we feel the house is perfectly provided everything such like the environment and the place is occupied by the tenant currently so that we would be feeling safe to know this place has lived before and at least after we take over, we just need to adjust the place that's all.. better than a house which has not lived for a long time, everything is messy, here and there something's wrong... sounds like "ghost house".... scary eh?

i know if the abandoned house for long time, we still can clean and renovate if we want but i find this is not a good idea though because the hubs had spoken, if we purchase this unit, we just clean and the renovation will be done later because this is over budget... and this is not a short term! we would live this unit for long term.... and we need to provide a better environment for our children right? that's why? i need to double thinking about this and try to persuade the hubs. because sometimes the wife's intuition may be accurate, but needs to look what's the matter first. like the hubs's budget is limited, i try to adjust the line so that we will be afford as well. not to trouble even more.

oh yeah... today is Saturday! what to do later eh?

look forward to meet my lil nephew sooner! as well as my darling kids ;)

Happy Saturday yay!!


Friday, February 1, 2013

1st February!

Morning... here we are... Happy 1st Feb... but... oh well... nothing's special! hehe... just learned that the salary as well as the bonus are already banked in last night and i am yet checking my account... hmm...

don't know whether is this a good news? bleh...

because in my mind, i am sure to go spending more than expected because as i said, this year we target to get a very own house!

oh well...

CNY is on the air now...

i don't feel neither happy or excited... kinda dull for me! just ignore... no reason why i felt so?

yesterday  i was browsing the profile page of this Mr Innocent, i realized he really dotes on his family very much as well as he dotes on his two sisters just like me... (chuckle)

but... suddenly i recalled 2 years ago where we had previous conversations, this Mr Innocent was jokingly saying that he is a gay because of he lived with two girls... influenced too much by feminine things... O_o

i still remember everything we had previous conversations but not so vividly though because after we disconnected, i just threw him away from my mind... because he started first and never replied my SMS etc... very annoying! oh well that was past...

anyway i notice the memories are always the sweetest... could tickle my feeling sometimes when i miss Mr Innocent... oh well... why should i miss him when he doesn't miss me eh? wahh... so silly lar me!


ignore these...

today is TGIF... later i shall go for a facial...

