Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday Blues

it's Tuesday blues yet i am so pressure regarding the childcare centre... wondering where i could find the money to pay the deposit? and this owner of the centre keeps urging me... so stressed...

she spoke before that i could pay installments but now she changed the mind... it seems like i need to pay full payment for that centre price... i gonna doomed but when i think of my old friend, WW... he always advises me... "there's many solutions to think, not to think one solution for time being... the winner will always think many solutions to overcome, and the loser only gives many excuses..."

hence, i don't wanna give a ton of excuses...

he wants to see if i really move or remains the grey zone right now... sounds sad huh? because he has been looking at my life in past years and i have been told him many times but nothing changed... instead of he changed to better livings now!!! how envy!!! he is really tougher and stronger than i expected... i wish i could be like him... sighs...

now i am even more pressures about how to get the money to settle the centre price??? SSM license also not settled yet because the owner spoke that she never expects that change the ownership is so simple... hence, she wants to play safe by paying her the deposit first.


not easy right?

business world is like that, everyone will be more selfish, this also depends lor...



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